Monday, August 18, 2008

Unbelievable Team

It's about 7:30 AM- I'm sitting in a small motel room somewhere around the border of NY and MA. We're on our way to Plum Island, MA for vacation. We drove about 6 hours yesterday after a crazy afternoon of packing and mowing and cleaning. We left at about 4:30 and started driving. I'll be posting some thoughts from vacation - probably more on the personal and family side of things - but before that I wanted to mention a few things that I appreciate about our team at Grace. I had some time to ponder on the drive.

1. Services this weekend were awesome. Not without challenge or difficulty - but in the end just really awesome. Brian and AJ have the ability to pull off creative, and challenging, and excellent like no one I've ever worked with before. They have challenged our people to bless others and bless our enemies in some very cool ways over the last two weeks. I love working with those guys.

2. The skill level of the people we have on our staff is unmatched. I would put this team up against any other in the country. The quality of our ministries at all levels is hitting its stride right now. Sure we have plenty of stuff to still improve on - but there is no group that I'd rather have on it than this one.

3. The camaraderie among us is just really fun. Not only do we work together, we really love to work together. A good number of us have been there a long time- and that's beautifully mixed with those who have recently joined - but there is a family atmosphere among us that is rare in many workplaces. Man do we laugh.

I'm going to be gone for two weeks - and I'm being honest when I say that I'm going to miss this team when I'm gone. I love doing ministry with them. On the other hand I'm really going to love this time with my family - and I'm going to soak up every moment with them. It is truly a privilege to serve on a team like the one we've assembled at Grace - buckle up because there's still some huge stuff around the corner!

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