Sunday, March 16, 2014

VISION 2016: 936 Weeks Partnering With Parents

In September 2011 – our Elders laid out a 5 year vision for Grace Church that includes 5 initiatives that we will chase together through the year 2016.  Here's a quick update:

INITIATIVE #4 – 936 weeks of partnering with parents in shaping Christ-centered families
  • Stories are rolling in about the impact E100 is having on families as parents and children partner in reading the Bible together.  One family is even opening up their home and their child is leading a small group of other children to discuss the E100 readings.  
  • Plans are in the works for our second Parenting Summit on Saturday, April 26. I’ll be kicking off the event with a special message for parents and we will provide some very helpful and practical workshops for real-life issues parents are facing.  It’s going to be a great day.
  • GraceKids has an average weekly attendance of 209 kids! The GFX ministry has been a great innovation that provides events that connect families with each other and offer an opportunity to invite new families to Grace. 
  • GraceYouth leaders are meeting with students at their practices, over ice cream and school tutoring. They are currently partnering with 11 families for in-depth one-on-one Biblical training of their teens. And several GraceYouth leaders are having coffee with parents to “dream and pray” for their teens.
  • You can find more information about all things ‘family’ at our website

Read Derek's other posts about Vision 2016:
#4 – 936 Weeks of Partnering with Parents
#5 - 212 – Raise the Discipleship Temperature

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